(Fever #6)
by Karen Marie Moning
Hardcover, First Edition, 495 pages
Published October 30th 2012 by Delacorte Press
ISBN 0385344406
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Marie Moning comes the first book in her hotly anticipated new urban paranormal trilogy, set in the world of her blockbuster Fever series.
The year is 1 AWC—After the Wall Crash. The Fae are free and hunting us. It’s a war zone out there, and no two days are alike. I’m Dani O’Malley, the chaos-filled streets of Dublin are my home, and there’s no place I’d rather be.Goodreads
Dani “Mega” O’Malley plays by her own set of rules—and in a world overrun by Dark Fae, her biggest rule is: Do what it takes to survive. Possessing rare talents and the all-powerful Sword of Light, Dani is more than equipped for the task. In fact, she’s one of the rare humans who can defend themselves against the Unseelie. But now, amid the pandemonium, her greatest gifts have turned into serious liabilities.
Dani’s ex–best friend, MacKayla Lane, wants her dead, the terrifying Unseelie princes have put a price on her head, and Inspector Jayne, the head of the police force, is after her sword and will stop at nothing to get it. What’s more, people are being mysteriously frozen to death all over the city, encased on the spot in sub-zero, icy tableaux.
When Dublin’s most seductive nightclub gets blanketed in hoarfrost, Dani finds herself at the mercy of Ryodan, the club’s ruthless, immortal owner. He needs her quick wit and exceptional skill to figure out what’s freezing Fae and humans dead in their tracks—and Ryodan will do anything to ensure her compliance.
Dodging bullets, fangs, and fists, Dani must strike treacherous bargains and make desperate alliances to save her beloved Dublin—before everything and everyone in it gets iced.
Purchase at Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble and The Book Depository
Crystal L's Thoughts:
Holy jumping jehoshaphat Batman! Karen Marie Moning has done it again! We're back in Fever world, except this time we have Dani's perspective instead of Mac's. I was skeptical about how much I was going to like a fourteen year old girls point of view, but I ended up enjoying immensely. We find Dani still avoiding Mac like the plague because she killed Mac's sister Alina. She also has an immense amount of guilt about it, but is sure Rowena did something to compel her to kill the woman, she just can't prove it. We finally get to meet Dancer, who is a seventeen year old genius.
Christian is back in all of his new dark glory! Love-able Christian is struggling with becoming the new fourth dark UnSeelie Prince since Dani killed the last one in the last Mac book. Christian doesn't blame Dani though, he blames Mac for starting the process of turning him into what he's becoming now by giving him the piece ofdark UnSeelie flesh that saved his life.
We also get a whole lot of Ryodan who reminds me of Barrons in so many ways. I always had a severe love/hate thing for Barrons and now I have an even stronger one for Ryodan. There's a lot of stuff going on this book that people are tripping over though. The main gist of it is that Christian and Ryodan are both interested in Dani, and I don't mean in a little sister capacity. The reason I think people need to open up their eyes and get over it? Well the biggest reason is nothing happens. There is no Dani sex cause she's only fourteen. Are there innuendos made towards Dani? Absolutely. The best part of those comments? They sail like a mile over the naive Dani's head. In fact, from some of the comments Dani made, I saw her mentality towards guys as younger than fourteen and more like twelve. I remember my mentality at fourteen towards boys, and it was a whole lot more in the know that Dani is here. So don't read into the hype! Read the book and judge for yourself, because it may seem controversial but I felt it was written and dealt with extremely well. The proof is in the numerous, 'They're waiting till she's older' comments. By the end of this book I didn't know if I wanted Dani to end up with Dancer, Christian or Ryodan down the road by the time the series is over.
I'm freaking dying for the next book in this series. It's going to bloody well kill me to wait for it. In fact I may have a new, trendier flat forehead by the time it comes out from repeatedly banging my head against my desk while waiting for the next book Burned. Five wine glass toast with the insane urge to give it a whole freaking barrel of wine award instead. Holy heart failure Batman! Read! Laugh! Enjoy!

Rating: 5 Wine Glasses!

Read it. Loved it. Karen is a Genius! Excellent review :) I also got some great tidbits at the Q&A with Karen at the ICED Book Launch Party. She told us lots of great stuff, but my favorite was that we get to learn lots more about the 9 in over the next 5 books :D My least favorite was that we may not get Burned til 2014 :'(
ReplyDelete-Selena Mc
Amen sister! I wish Dani is of legal age on the next book, the tension is giving me blue balls!
ReplyDeleteGreat review and I can't wait for Burned *bangs head on desk*!!! I don't know why so many people are so fired up about this book. Yes, there were some iffy moments, but nothing really controversial happened. People need to have faith in KMM's process. This is just the beginning of Dani's journey and KMM isn't going to start it off with cookies and rainbows.